Adventures in Appendicitis, The Surgery

As we started to settle into our room on the 3rd floor of the hospital, met the nurses and figured out what we were in for, Sarah met a temporary friend, Morphine.  I am not entirely sure I want to say friend, unless the friend was Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

Sarah was in a huge amount of pain, more so than I have ever seen her in.  At one point we were talking and she said that child birth was nothing compared to the pain she was in.  That says a lot.  So when she was given a pretty good dose of Morphine, I started to relax a bit as she started to rest more, but it was short lived.  I say short lived for two reasons: 1 – it only touched the pain for a short time; 2 – it made Sarah have weird dreams.  The pain I could work with, the dreams, that was harder to deal with for me.  There was nothing I could do but pray.  Now don’t get me wrong, prayer does amazing things and did do amazing things in that hospital room for Sarah and myself, but there was still the Fixit part of me that couldn’t do anything to help her.  That was the most difficult part, seeing my best friend and wife laying there hurting and nothing I could do to fix it.

Now our adventure in the 3rd floor room was only suppose to be till the surgery, which was scheduled for first thing in the morning.  As Friday progressed, so did our waiting as the surgery was postponed for a plethora of reasons (Sarah will be so excited I used that word).  We waited patiently until we were finally lead down stairs for surgery around 645pm on Friday evening.

One of the issues that Sarah had with the morphine was being seriously lethargic, enough I called Mom and Dad for some extra prayer.  Her vitals were good but the lack of food and water for over 24 hours mixed with morphine had me a bit concerned.   Mom and Dad arrived and Mom asked Dad to pray for Sarah.  Dad, being Dad, said “I have been praying.  Sarah’s gonna be fine, I might need to pray for you two, Me and Mom”.  Ok, honestly, it freaked me out a bit.  Sarah was really fine but I am so glad Mom and Dad were there to pray and help me keep my mind and heart in the right place.

Let me remind you of the timeline of our Adventure up to this point.
730pm – Arrived at ER
830pm – Seen by Triage Nurse
900pm – Walked to the Trauma Room
0230am – Admitted to Hospital and settled into the room
Morning Time – First scheduled surgery (postponed)
Right after Lunch – Second Scheduled Surgery (postponed)
230pm  – Next Scheduled Surgery (postponed – Emergency C-Section)
430pm – Next Scheduled Surgery (postponed – Emergency from ER)
530pm – Next Scheduled Surgery (postponed – still on patient from ER)
645pm – Lead down to Surgery Pre-Op room

WOW – that was a lot of waiting in pain – and a lot of Morphine to counter the pain.

So Sarah is lead into the surgery room, and Mom and I go back up to the room to wait.  That totally sucked.  I did not like the waiting part.  The surgery did not take more than 30 mins, add on another 30 mins waiting for post op and then she’s back in the room with us.

All of this to say, I am so blessed it all went well.  During each of our prayer times, it was both to keep our peace and to lead the surgeons.  Keeping my peace was the hardest part.  You have to know something about me, I am really good in the midst of Trauma or an Emergency.  Its a couple days after that, that it hits me and I have to process things.  I am very blessed my best friend and wife is recovering very well.  I know people have lost loved ones and have had closer calls than this, but I can’t imagine what my life would be like without Sarah.  We work too well together for this to be a solo act.

Thank you Father God, Papa, for bringing us through this safely.  Thank you for our health and for always being by our side.

We have learned a lot about ourselves during this time, what fears we still need to work on seems to be the biggest.  Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us and with us and to those that have helped in the recovery by supplying meals till we get back to normal.  We have an awesome family and an awesome church family.

Thank you.



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